Advanced Unity 3D Game Programming

  • Seeders:3
  • Leechers:32
  • Completed:109
  • File size:699.98 MB
  • Date:2020-08-03


  • 3 - Prefabs2 - An advanced prefab system160270_03_02_3D15_advprefab.mp4(23.37 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting2 - Events and messaging systems160270_04_02_3D15_messaging.mp4(22.25 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting4 - Translate rotate and scale160270_01_04_3D15_translaterotatescale.mp4(21.08 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting3 - Saving and loading games160270_04_03_3D15_savingloading.mp4(20.38 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls5 - Message windows160270_06_05_3D15_messagewindow.mp4(20.22 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls6 - Positioning GUI items over game objects160270_06_06_3D15_tagging.mp4(20.11 MB)
  • 8 - Optimization2 - Nearest-neighbor search160270_08_02_3D15_nearestneighbor.mp4(19.91 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting6 - Dynamic meshes160270_04_06_3D15_dynamicmesh.mp4(19.34 MB)
  • 8 - Optimization1 - Finding slow code160270_08_01_3D15_profile.mp4(19.11 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting6 - Mouse input160270_01_06_3D15_mouseinput.mp4(19.09 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls4 - Tables160270_06_04_3D15_table.mp4(18.88 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting4 - Ray casting160270_04_04_3D15_raycasting.mp4(18.75 MB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain3 - Modifiable voxel terrain160270_05_03_3D15_dynamicterrain.mp4(17.89 MB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain1 - Procedural voxel terrain160270_05_01_3D15_voxelterrain.mp4(17.70 MB)
  • 3 - Prefabs1 - Creating your own prefab system160270_03_01_3D15_customprefab.mp4(17.57 MB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger4 - More informative and visual debugging160270_02_04_3D15_visualdebugging.mp4(17.27 MB)
  • 7 - Networking6 - Serializing and synchronizing states160270_07_06_3D15_syncstate.mp4(17.20 MB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain2 - Chunked infinite terrain160270_05_02_3D15_chunkedterrain.mp4(16.96 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls3 - Progress bars160270_06_03_3D15_progressbar.mp4(16.24 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting7 - Quadtrees160270_04_07_3D15_quadtree.mp4(16.04 MB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor1 - Property drawers160270_09_01_3D15_propertydrawers.mp4(15.49 MB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger1 - Debugging160270_02_01_3D15_debugger.mp4(14.97 MB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain4 - A midpoint displacement landscape160270_05_04_3D15_midpointdisplace.mp4(14.75 MB)
  • 7 - Networking5 - Synchronizing object transforms160270_07_05_3D15_synctransform.mp4(14.58 MB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger2 - The Call Stack160270_02_02_3D15_callstack.mp4(14.58 MB)
  • 7 - Networking4 - Simple chat clients160270_07_04_3D15_chat.mp4(13.50 MB)
  • 3 - Prefabs3 - Storing and managing prefabs160270_03_03_3D15_prefabmanager.mp4(13.22 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting5 - Keyboard input160270_01_05_3D151_keyboardinput.mp4(13.11 MB)
  • 8 - Optimization4 - Update() overuse160270_08_04_3D15_updateoveruse.mp4(12.87 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting1 - Coroutines160270_04_01_3D15_coroutine.mp4(12.22 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls1 - Combo boxes160270_06_01_3D15_combobox.mp4(12.20 MB)
  • 7 - Networking1 - Master servers160270_07_01_3D15_masterserver.mp4(11.81 MB)
  • 7 - Networking2 - Getting connected160270_07_02_3D15_connected.mp4(11.76 MB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger5 - Logging exceptions160270_02_05_3D15_expectionhandling.mp4(11.38 MB)
  • 8 - Optimization3 - Object pools160270_08_03_3D15_objectpools.mp4(10.84 MB)
  • 7 - Networking7 - Manual connections to the server160270_07_07_3D15_manual.mp4(9.85 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting7 - Linking scripts to the Unity editor160270_01_07_3D15_linkingtoeditor.mp4(9.27 MB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls2 - Rotatable GUI items160270_06_02_3D15_rotateable.mp4(9.26 MB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor2 - Custom editor elements160270_09_02_3D15_customeditor.mp4(9.15 MB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor3 - Editor windows160270_09_03_3D15_editorwindows.mp4(9.10 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting1 - How scripts work in Unity160270_01_01_3D15_howscripts.mp4(8.93 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting5 - Mini maps160270_04_05_3D15_minimap.mp4(8.82 MB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger3 - The Immediate window160270_02_03_3D15_immediatewindow.mp4(8.64 MB)
  • 7 - Networking3 - Remote procedure calls160270_07_03_3D15_rpc.mp4(8.51 MB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting8 - Extension methods160270_04_08_3D15_extension.mp4(7.90 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting3 - Updates and Delta time160270_01_03_3D15_deltatime.mp4(7.71 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting8 - Combining the basics160270_01_08_3D15_combiningbasics.mp4(7.65 MB)
  • 0 - Introduction1 - Welcome160270_00_01_WX30_welcome.mp4(6.20 MB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting2 - Your first script160270_01_02_3D15_firstscript.mp4(6.04 MB)
  • 10 - Conclusion1 - Next steps160270_10_01_3D15_nextsteps.mp4(2.53 MB)
  • 0 - Introduction3 - What you should know before watching this course160270_00_03_3D15_needtoknow.mp4(1.72 MB)
  • MB)
  • 0 - Introduction2 - Using the exercise files160270_00_02_3D15_exercise.mp4(837.55 KB)
  • 8 - Optimization1 - Finding slow codescript.txt(12.12 KB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor1 - Property drawersscript.txt(10.56 KB)
  • 8 - Optimization2 - Nearest-neighbor searchscript.txt(7.28 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting2 - Events and messaging systemsscript.txt(7.03 KB)
  • 7 - Networking6 - Serializing and synchronizing statesscript.txt(6.48 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting6 - Dynamic meshesscript.txt(6.31 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls5 - Message windowsscript.txt(6.17 KB)
  • 3 - Prefabs2 - An advanced prefab systemscript.txt(6.00 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls6 - Positioning GUI items over game objectsscript.txt(5.96 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting4 - Translate rotate and scalescript.txt(5.94 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting7 - Quadtreesscript.txt(5.78 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting6 - Mouse inputscript.txt(5.68 KB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger1 - Debuggingscript.txt(5.67 KB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor3 - Editor windowsscript.txt(5.50 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls4 - Tablesscript.txt(5.48 KB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain1 - Procedural voxel terrainscript.txt(5.40 KB)
  • 9 - Extending the Editor2 - Custom editor elementsscript.txt(5.32 KB)
  • 7 - Networking7 - Manual connections to the serverscript.txt(5.27 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting3 - Saving and loading gamesscript.txt(5.27 KB)
  • 7 - Networking5 - Synchronizing object transformsscript.txt(5.24 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting4 - Ray castingscript.txt(5.21 KB)
  • 3 - Prefabs1 - Creating your own prefab systemscript.txt(5.16 KB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain4 - A midpoint displacement landscapescript.txt(5.02 KB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger4 - More informative and visual debuggingscript.txt(4.94 KB)
  • 7 - Networking4 - Simple chat clientsscript.txt(4.76 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting5 - Keyboard inputscript.txt(4.74 KB)
  • 8 - Optimization4 - Update() overusescript.txt(4.56 KB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain3 - Modifiable voxel terrainscript.txt(4.53 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls3 - Progress barsscript.txt(4.47 KB)
  • 8 - Optimization3 - Object poolsscript.txt(4.46 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls1 - Combo boxesscript.txt(4.44 KB)
  • 7 - Networking2 - Getting connectedscript.txt(4.29 KB)
  • 7 - Networking1 - Master serversscript.txt(4.25 KB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger2 - The Call Stackscript.txt(4.14 KB)
  • 5 - Dynamic Terrain2 - Chunked infinite terrainscript.txt(4.12 KB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger5 - Logging exceptionsscript.txt(4.05 KB)
  • 3 - Prefabs3 - Storing and managing prefabsscript.txt(3.94 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting1 - Coroutinesscript.txt(3.48 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting1 - How scripts work in Unityscript.txt(3.32 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting7 - Linking scripts to the Unity editorscript.txt(3.20 KB)
  • 6 - Creating Custom GUI Controls2 - Rotatable GUI itemsscript.txt(3.12 KB)
  • 7 - Networking3 - Remote procedure callsscript.txt(3.12 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting3 - Updates and Delta timescript.txt(3.10 KB)
  • 2 - Using the Debugger3 - The Immediate windowscript.txt(3.01 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting5 - Mini mapsscript.txt(2.84 KB)
  • 1 - Basic Scripting2 - Your first scriptscript.txt(2.67 KB)
  • 4 - Advanced Scripting8 - Extension methodsscript.txt(2.64 KB)
